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Rodney  Sudholz

Take a Look

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Formative years.

Spending my formative years on the family wheat & sheep farm, halfway between Melbourne & Adelaide. I learnt skills that have proved useful throughout my life and in my current career, in the road surfacing industry. Whether that be basic mechanical skills or equipment & truck operation ie. Semi-tippers, telehandlers and forklifts, front end loaders, tractors and harvesters.

These skills continually prove to be transferable.

Interpersonal & customer relations skills.

Interestingly, the strong customer relations skills that I developed during my Telco career are continually in use in my current role, whether that be calming and soothing an upset resident after the asphalt crew have woken them when beginning to resurface their street. Or settling quarry staff, where other truck drivers have made an error and driven the wrong way, stepped to far from their vehicle, not maintained correct clearance or not maintained positive radio contact.

Work ethic. 

I love to work, I look forward to the new challenges each new day brings.  Whether that be difficult network faults or frustrated customers and the opportunity to solve their problems from my telco days or the inevitable equipment failure in my current role in road spray/seal and asphalt profiling and laying. I find the opportunity to find solutions and ways to move forward extremely rewarding.

I take great pleasure in using my skills to assist others.

The future.

With the kids, all independent and successful, I have the opportunity to extend my horizons, challenge myself and travel for work. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss what I can bring to your organisation, so we can both move forward and prosper. 

Skills & Qualifications

An overview of the skills & qualifications I can bring to your organisation


 Forklift, Telehandler &
Front End Loader

From time to time, in various roles, as part of the efficient operation of the business there has been a need to operate a variety of equipment including forklifts, telehandlers and front end loaders.



Over the past two years, after moving on from the Telco industry. I have graduated from the operation of Body Tippers, Tag a long trailers to walking floor semi's. In the next phase, I am looking to move into Side Tipper Road Trains, using my new skills and recently acquired unrestricted MC licence.  

Image by Paul Fiedler

Asphalt & Spray/Seal

I have found moving into the Spray/Seal & Asphalt industries very rewarding, acquiring new skills, extending myself and meeting new people. While giving me the opportunity to travel and work in different environments.

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